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Art Blog

Here I share the Symbolism or Back Story behind some of my Art because I DO believe that everything has a meaning. Each little piece of symbolism and how it comes to us is yet another part of our growth 

I have always felt so connected to Frida Kahlo. Not because I'm an artist, but because of her endurance through pain and physical challenges. Actually, even more so because we have the commonality of being RBK (right below knee) amputees. I have been an amputee for over 50 years, so I can relate to her exploration in art through the spiritual journey that this takes one on. I've created many Frida Art Dolls over the years,  but my most recent one held great meaning for me. This time I…

Those scars that we acquire in life, the residues from trauma, they stay with us. But how they remain with us 5 years later are different than how they present 10 years later. The emotions attached can transform  as we heal and as we grow. As we move through the grieving and healing processes, our perceptions of our selves and our scars walk through the processes too. Until one day that wound that was horrific and painful can change into a beautiful scar that has helped to build your…

Understanding that we are not victims that Life is happening TO but that we are delicate souls that Life is happening THROUGH, can greatly change our perspective. It helps in understanding the importance in seizing the moment... in passionately and fearlessly going on this wild ride...and appreciating our existence in this beautiful messy life. 

Using the symbolism of the Luna Moth, the Moonflower, and the Pansy creates this reminder on the canvas…

Have you noticed as we grow older how our holidays change? How they evolve into something different? When we are raising our families the holidays revolve around the kids, then as we get older and they get older the priorities shift and the celebrations change. Now older I found that some of those holidays weren't even really very important to me. As I have grown and changed, so have the things I want to celebrate. So, over time I have changed the

The Atlas Moth has a special place in my heart not only for its beauty but for its symbolism. Some say it was named after Atlas in Greek Mythology, who was deemed to hold the weight of the skies on his shoulders. Sometimes don't we all feel like that? Things can feel heavy with all of the literal, as well as perceived,  responsibilities on us. Moth medicine can teach us about camouflage - when to be seen and not - and the importance of discernment in who we show our vulnerability to. The…

The Norse Goddess Freyja is known to be the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility,  Sex, War, and Magic....but she is so much more Complex and Powerful than that description. I've worked with Freyja for 12 years, and it has always been meaningful on so many levels.

Norse Goddess Freyja

Within the Love aspect, she not only oversees loving relationships, but most…